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SJ Sale Service +62 813 1950 0985
Pompa Hydrotest 170Bar 1700Psi 12Lpm
Hawkpumps, Hydrotes, Sandblast, High Pressure, Pressure test, Misting, Cleaning
Pompa Hydrotest 2500Psi 15 liter permenit, Hawkpumps, Hydrotes, Sandblast, High Pressure, Pressure test, Misting, Cleaning
Distributor High Pressure Pumps, Hawk Pumps Indonesia, SJ PRESSURE-PRO Hawkpumps Indonesia
Tlp / wa / ta/ : 081319500985
E-mail :taufik @solusijaya.com
mr.abunawwas @gmail.com
Type Unit : W170-15EPT
Pump Spesification
Pump Type : Hawk NMT 1520 Pressure And Flow : 170 Bar 2500Psi, 15Lpm Power / RPM / Hz : 6 HP | 4,4 KW | 1.450 Rpm | 50 Hz
Electromotor SpesificationElectromotor Brand : Melegari Luigi Type : B3 Power / RPM / Hz : 6 Hp | 4,4 KW | 50 Hz
- Connector : Legrand - Safety Valves : VS Safety Valve (P.A S.p.A) - Suction (LP) hose : 3/8" @8 meters - Discharge ( HP ) hose : R2 3/8" @10 meters - Press regulating valve : Bypass Pulsar 4 (P.A S.p.A) - Pressure Gauge : Analog (Wika) - Trigger Gun : Single Barrel Lance Complete
C/W Nozzle (P.A S.p.A)
Panel ''Pressure Pro''
- ELCB (Ewig)
- Contactor (Schneider)
- Over Load (Schneider)
- Cable Connection (Jembo)
A range of safe and easy to use coldwater portable machines which will satisfy the demands of
The automotive sector, hotel,commercial and light industrial applications.
Light, flexible and user-friendly.
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